Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I've Come Back

Well this is my first post in 2011. Been busy these past few weeks but I'll make some time to post some information that apparently nobody is talking about. I'm talking about the firing of lead singer of Brazilian Girls Sabina Sciubba. This morning on my facebook I read an announcement from the Brazilian Girls site saying that Sabina was no longer part of the group, the band would continue without her writing new songs. Well I thought that was weird. By late afternoon however, that post had been removed with another one saying:

"those fuckers fired me because i am a mother. what a world! anyway, i'll keep making music without them. good bye and good riddens. I love you all, stay posted, you can't keep a good woman down!


At the same time, member Jesse Murphy personally wrote on the group's wall saying something along the lines of "hope you're feeling good with all the attention you're getting from your lies" that message was promptly removed.

Whatever the real story behind Sabina's departure is, it is my personal opinion that Brazilian Girls as I loved them are done. The guys are talented and will continue to make great music, and Sabina is also extremely talented and will also continue to make great music. My regret is that I never got to see them together live.