Friday, May 11, 2012

St. Vincent at the Deluxe at Old National Centre

First post in quite a while. Sorry if you've been on here and have only been seeing old stuff, but Physics can take up your entire life. Went to the St. Vincent show last night. It was a brand new experience for me for the most part. When I first heard about the St. Vincent show a few months ago, I was interested but I did not expect to go as the venue usually charges up the ass on ticket fees through Ticketmaster. I also believed that she would play Lollapalooza anyway so I wasn't too worried. Well the line-up for both Pitchfork and Lollapalooza came out and no St. Vincent anywhere on them. I really liked Strange Mercy last year and I increasingly loved the album the more I hear it, now I really wanted to see her, so I looked around and found out that my local record stores sell tickets for certain concerts (St. Vincent among them) for no fee. What would have been an expensive show came out at a mere $18.

Prior to the show last night, openers Shearwater played an in-store at Luna Music in Indianapolis which I also went to see, and while only two of their guys were playing, it sounded great and got me ready for their full set later that night.

So when I saw them again later that night, I was very impressed. I had not really heard this band that often before and didn't know what to expect with a full band, but I was very impressed.

Then St. Vincent's turn came. I got a good look at the setlist prior to the show as well as her setup.

As soon as Annie began, her skill with the guitar became apparent, the way she adjusted herself and the sound.    She began looking a little uncomfortable but she adjusted quickly and put up a great show. As in her previous shows, she told a small synopsis of her music video for 'Cruel', and the story of how she got the idea for 'Northern Lights.' She then played a cover of Pop Group's 'She Is Beyond Good and Evil' which sounded great and got us ready for the mayhem that ensued when she came down on to the crowd and started a mosh pit for Krokodil. Now I had been in a sort of mosh pit before for The Strokes but when that happened I was mostly just trying not to fall and get killed, however last night I was full on participating and not giving a care in the world whether I fell or not. Having been in the front row during the show, I was in perfect position to mosh right next to Annie. After the mayhem, they left and came back to play the encore which ended perfectly with 'Your Lips are Red.' After the show I realized that my sunglasses which had been in my pocket were not there anymore and instead found half of them about 20 feet away.